Thursday, January 3, 2013

New Year

I am not one to make a resolution in the new year but this year I have set some goals for myself and my family. My first big goal is to get this house in order. I'm talking cleaning, organizing, and getting rid of stuff. I want us to simplify our "stuff" and organize the "stuff" we are keeping.

I started with the organizing before the end of the year. I ordered several utility totes and storage bins from the Thirty-One Outlet Sale to store Amelia's toys in. What will fit in those bins/totes will be what she plays with, I will keep a rotating stock of toys in her closet in her toy chest but the amount of toys in her room is overwhelming, so it must be simplified. We will pass some down to Hew and Hollyn and we will donate some and some of them just need to be thrown away.

I also want to be able to park my car in the garage again. I haven't been able to park in there for years. We started the process of organizing/getting rid of stuff yesterday and we got half of it done. We have so much stuff out there that we are storing for family it is hard to make it work but we are determined. We have a motorcycle that belongs to some cousins that lives out of state so we are taking it to them soon and that will free up some space. We have some furniture that we will be keeping out there to store things in so that is going to free up a bunch of space once those boxes are empty.

We got a new to us desk from my husband's mother so we moved the computer back out in to the living room. It is a roll top desk and it has so many nooks, drawers and doors. It makes my organizing heart happy. I've needed more drawer space to store my Thirty-One stuff like order forms, catalogs, past orders, fliers, and so on. This desk works perfectly for that.

I also started a home organization notebook for us and in the process of getting it in order, this will be good for me to keep up with so many of the little things in our life.

The big goal that we have this year is to get our house ready to list in the spring. We have a few projects that we need to do before we actually list it like painting and some landscaping. I've been praying for the perfect buyer to come along shortly after we list it, we will see how that all works out.

Those are our short term goals for this year. We have some long term goals but that is a post for a different day. Did you make goals this year? Did you blog about them? Leave the link in the comments and I will stop by to check them out.


  1. I'm telling you (and Karmen) we would so be friend if a lived closer to each other. We just have so much in common it is crazy! I resisted the Outlet Sale this time, but have resolved to using what I have to organize and am ready to make a purchase from the new catalog! I will definitely be posting about my goals for 2013 but am still trying to get caught up on Christmas. :) Lana

  2. I'm telling you (and Karmen) we would so be friend if a lived closer to each other. We just have so much in common it is crazy! I resisted the Outlet Sale this time, but have resolved to using what I have to organize and am ready to make a purchase from the new catalog! I will definitely be posting about my goals for 2013 but am still trying to get caught up on Christmas. :) Lana

  3. Woohoo! A blog post! I can't wait to see all of your hard work come to life. I'm sure it will be amazing.

    Love you!

  4. Happy New Year! No resolutions yet, no new year blog yet either! ;)

    You seem to be on the right track. When you are done at your house, can you come to mine? We just had Christmas and J's birthday was on Wednesday = more stuff. Dont worry, Z will get even more Stuff on the 20th for his birthday!!!!! Im overwhelmed just thinking about it and our tiny little house.
